MonedaCloud IO Team



MonedaCloud IO is an educational research company dedicated to enlightening the public and crypto users about open-source and blockchain technology. Our focus is on providing resources and knowledge for those interested in open-source and the broader blockchain ecosystem.



  1. Provide reliable digital currency infrastructure to help connect the world.
  2. Educate crypto users with curated tools and informed advice to help them on their cryptocurrency journey.
  3. Share our digital currency research and technical knowledge along the way to cryptocurrency communities.
  4. Develop open source API tools and dApps to enhance blockchain/cryptocurrency mainstream adoption.

Projects Pipeline

  1. Cardano Light Wallet. Web and Mobile interface with Web2 integration APIs.
  2. Cardano Explorer dApp.
  3. Decentralize nodes 1.0 to capture blockchain data into a distributable database, making the blockchain data accessible without relying on querying the blockchain directly.
  4. Decentralize nodes 2.0: Nodes interact with each other using a built-in wallet to interface with the blockchain and each other.

Last modified: February 28th, 2024

Monedacloud IO