Get Started

1. Buy ADA - Cardano Currency:

Coinbase Exchange

2. Create an official Cardano wallet:

Yoroi Mobile/Browser Wallet

3. Transfer Funds to Your Wallet.

4. Delegate to Our Pool:

MonedaCloud [MOC]



Video: Receive ADA to Yoroi mobile wallet from Coinbase

Daedalus Desktop Wallet

Receive ADA to Daedalus Wallet

Daedalus vs Yoroi Explained

Video: Receive ADA to Yoroi browser wallet from Binance

Delegate using Daedalus Wallet

Choose a Stake Pool

Atomic Wallet (Multiple Coin Support)

Video: Cardano Staking - Atomic Video

How to Stake ADA using Atomic Wallet

Cardano Staking Calculator


Staking on the Cardano network does not require you to freeze your funds or lock them into third-party holding accounts. As a result, your funds never leave your wallet, making it a free-risk liquid earning potential.


* We do not guarantee interest rates since they depend entirely on whether our pool gets randomly elected to generate blocks.


Last modified: February 28th, 2024

Monedacloud IO